Thursday, April 2, 2009

Worship Tailgating

I wanted to post a few thoughts and hopefully discussion starters from some discussions we have been having at something called Levite Camp. We have been talking about the "traditional" order of worship which consists of:

Gathering - Word - Table/Response - Sending

Whether or not you agree with this order of worship you can participate in the discussion of specifics within each area.


God's people are the body of Christ and this body is separated from one another at some level throughout the week. The first thing that needs to be done when we come to a specific place for worship is to gather the people together as one body. To unite together in hearing from and responding to God.

So how does this happen? How about TAILGATING? (Hat tip to Tom)Before a sporting event many people come together to eat, spend time together, and most importantly unite in a common purpose. They come together to be a part of the event that is going to take place in the gathering space.

Does this have anything to say to preparing for worship? Should we find a way to unite for a common purpose, with common language, and common symbols in order to come together as a community in worship? Keep in mind that I am talking about the ideas and purposes behind tailgating and not the specific activities of tailgating that take place at a sporting event.

Is there a way to make Worship Tailgating a reality?


Unknown said...

I think one element to keep in mind is that of choice. What would happen if during a sporting event there was no tailgating space provided. The games were scheduled in a way that didn't allow for it, and the organizers were intent on keeping the sporting event central to everyone's experience to the exclusion of anything that might happen before or after that main event. The organizers decide to instead provide a structured time for being friendly with one another. They have a committee that organizes how many coolers will be needed, how much lemonade, how long it will last and where everyone will sit. All I'm saying is that there is something authentic and beautiful about community that happens because of a group's desire to spend time together as opposed to a leader's desire to have that group spend time together. The leader can crate shared language, time, space and reinforce a philosophy, but people need autonomy to build community.

Josh Dahm said...

yes yes yes, good word, Erin. I think worship services being in the morning tends to hinder the tailgateability of them, also. I wonder if saturday evening services are more able to do this.
This definitely has to be a movement from the people rather than the leadership.